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The genus Scolopendra (Centipedes) contains many species of centipedes found across the world's tropics and warmer temperate areas. The species vary considerably in coloration and size. Scolopendra are mostly very large centipedes. The largest species found in tropical climates can exceed 30 cm (12 inches).


Barbadian Centipedes can deliver a painful bite, injecting venom through their forcipules, which are not fangs or other mouthparts, but instead modified legs on the first body segment.



Centipedes are arthropods (other members of this group include insects, arachnids, and crustaceans) known for their long, narrow segmented bodies and many legs


Centipedes originally earned their name from the idea that they had 100 legs. Actually, these elongated arthropods have between 30 and 177 pairs of legs divided between each segment of their red-brown bodies. Centipedes are also equipped with distinct antennae and maxilliped fangs used to seek out and immobilize their prey.

These pests are particularly vivacious, because, unlike most insects, their average lifespan ranges from two to five years. Also, they maneuver extremely well and can evade attacks from predators.,



Some of centipedes’ natural habitats include dark, moist and secluded dwellings, like under rocks and piles of wood. They love these wet environments and also thrive in rotting wood. They can burrow deep into the ground, and are attracted to spots filled with other small bugs to eat. Be warned, when it gets too wet, they also look for a shelter in your home.


They are carnivores and forage for worms, spiders and small vertebrates at night. Centipedes detect prey with their antennae and sting their food with paralyzing venom. If you attack one of these pests, beware — they may bite you, causing pain and swelling similar to a bee sting.


Due to their slender and malleable bodies, centipedes can slip indoors through small cracks around the foundation of homes. You will most likely find them around bathrooms, closets or basements, but they are hard to spot and to effectively remove, because of their nocturnal habits.



The most commonly encountered species that invade homes are house centipedes (Scolopendra angulata). If you turn on the lights and spot one of these fast moving predators on the wall, contact Be Gone Pest Control immediately for efficient centipede extermination.


Tips on Avoiding Surprises

Follow these four (4) tips to avoid receiving a nasty surprise from a centipede in your house:

  1. Always check your shoes before putting your toes in- especially if you leave your shoes outside! Centipedes like cool, dark places.

  2. Pull the sheets back on your bed before crawling in.  A centipede may have crawled in before you! 

  3. Don’t stick your hand into a dark space in your home if you can’t see well.  Use a broom or a shoe instead.

  4. Check any item you might use that has been on the floor for a while. Shaking it vigorously will usually do.

Centipede: Products
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