Flies are a pest in every sense of the word.
Flies pose a health risk to humans, pets and livestock and can infest your home or business and spread diseases like Salmonella and E. coli. A few species may even bite humans and animals.
If any fly problem is left unaddressed, it has the potential to turn into a serious infestation, particularly given that some fly species are able to mature from eggs to adults in just seven days.

House Fly
Important Notes
Adult is 5–8mm in length.
Grey thorax with 4 narrow stripes.
Buff or yellow abdomen.
Covered with small hairs that serve as taste organs.
Complex compound eyes – with thousands of lenses allows them a wide field of vision.
4th wing vein bent and wing tips slightly pointed.
Larva is white and tapers to a point at the head end. There are 2 spiracle “spots” at the hind end, is legless and 12 mm in length when mature.
House flies are able to quickly mature from an egg to an adult. They breed in moist decaying vegetable matter eg. in uncovered dustbin or pet food.
Eggs are laid in batches of 120 to 150 and can hatch in 8 – 72 hours.
The larvae of House Flies can take 3 – 60 days to mature.
Pupae matures in 3 – 28 days.
Once indoors, house flies can be found resting on walls, floors or ceilings. Outdoors they can be seen on plants, the ground, fences, compost heaps and rubbish bins.
At night them they prefer to rest near food sources approx. 5 to 15 feet off the ground.
House flies are major carriers of disease and can infest all types of premises. They are attracted to all types of food, including human food, pet food, animal feed, food waste and even faeces. Seeing adult flies is usually the most common sign of activity and a potential problem. Larvae may also be seen as they crawl out of breeding material to pupate.

Sand Fly
Important Notes
Adult — 10–11mm long.
Body has a pale grey colour.
Eyes are bronze–brown.
Legs are dark reddish–brown.
The larvae can take up to two years to develop and live in loose sand.
In the pupal stage the larvae curls into a circle or “u” shape lasting one or two weeks.
Adult sand flies can be seen from April to September. They live on sandy riverbanks with an open habitat free of shading trees.
Females prefer to lay their eggs in damp soil or in the water.

Bluebottle Fly
Important Notes
Adult is 1/4" - 1/2" in length.
Metallic blue colour.
Larva — Similar to the house fly larva in all respects except size. 3/4" when mature. They take 7 – 12 days to mature.
Eggs hatch 0 – 18 hrs (partial development may occur within the female).
Breeds in mostly meat derived substances, sometimes cheese.
Common pest of dead rodents/birds etc.
Bluebottle flies (also known as Blow fly) can often be seen hovering around dustbins. These scavengers are attracted to pet faeces and dead animals and as such are known carriers of disease.
Their name originates from their iridescent colours that are similar to coloured bottles.

Fruit Fly
Important Notes
3mm in length.
Yellow–brown or mottled in colour.
Bright red eyes.
Abdomen hangs down in flight, which is slow.
Tend to hover.
They can breed in rotten fruit, unclean drains and even cleaning utensils.
Develops to adult in 7–30 days.
Adult lives 2–9 weeks.
In ideal temperature conditions, fruit flies can complete their development in as little as 1 week.
Fruit flies are commonly found infesting fruit or hovering around fermenting residues found in pubs, fruit orchards & vegetables plots and breweries